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Krewetki z pomidorami

Góry, skałki, podróże… wszystko pięknie, ale czasem trzeba też coś zjeść. Na przykład – ulubione krewetki, którym przy okazji można zrobić kilka zdjęć (to tak z braku szaleństw, gdy podczas epidemii siedzi się w domu).

Krewetki z pomidorami2020-12-09T00:49:34+01:00

Favorite Images of 2019: A Retrospective

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

Favorite Images of 2019: A Retrospective2019-11-07T14:15:58+01:00

Canon EOS R Full Frame Mirrorless Camera

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

Canon EOS R Full Frame Mirrorless Camera2019-11-07T14:12:53+01:00

Exploring Chichen Itza: Mexico’s Wonder Of The World

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

Exploring Chichen Itza: Mexico’s Wonder Of The World2019-11-07T13:54:04+01:00

Quote Post

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

Quote Post2019-11-07T13:26:13+01:00

Standart Post

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

Standart Post2019-11-06T14:17:59+01:00

The Photographer Platform

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality.Photography is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. With too little light, your photo will be too dark. With too much light, it will be too bright. In both cases some

The Photographer Platform2019-11-06T13:58:03+01:00
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